"Thanks for your help, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think ur ideas are great! =)"
"Oh guys! Thanks for the front page promotion! I know, I probably don't deserve it as much as you guys do, but I am so happy. This is like winning an oscar for me! Much love to all of you on Listal xxx"
"OMG SUCH A GREAT LIST! AMAZING WORK! Stuart, Heath, Keanu, Franco, RDJ, Tobey, Elijah, Osment, Long, DiCaprio, Levitt... and many more make my favourites. But where are Christian Bale, Cillian Murphy"
"These women should just use their real hair. I mean, what's so wrong with it, eh? Is there something that they don't want to tell us? Or are they just taking credit for what isn't theirs? Sorry, I don"
"HBC is a legend. But all the rest I agree with."
"7 and 10 shouldn't be in the list. But the rest is quality work. :)"
"AMAZING LIST! the answer to: what's eating Leonardo DiCaprio (magazine cover) it was me... sorry Leo. I ate you. xxx much love"
"Christian Slater is a really good actor... he did so well in Interview with the Vampire and stuff like that..."
"Defo correct on everything except Clooney.... everything else is CORRECT! Gary Oldman has an amazing smile don't he? I completely agree with your crush on Michael Fassbender... He is the rather hot ma"
"Shia can't get laid? I'll get laid with Shia! *puts hand up* PICK ME!!!!"
"Have u seen RDJ tap dancing on Inside the actors studio?"
"throughout your list I was screaming: YES YES YES YES to EVERY part! Amazing job, well done!"
"I have RDJ and Johnny CDs: The Futurist and Sweeney Todd Soundtrack CD.... :)"
"2 5 7 8 9 ---> I want to sleep with them.... You are CORRECT they have beautiful eyessss :)"